Christians and Hardships
Lesson 9

Lesson Nine

Jesus' Wilderness Experience

Text: Matthew 4:1-11

Even God's son went to the wilderness. Matthew, Mark (Mark 1;12), and Luke (Luke 4:1,2) [John does not write about Jesus' wilderness temptations] indicate Jesus' wilderness temptations experience followed Jesus' baptism. The wilderness temptations occurred after a forty day period of fasting. Jesus' temptations were purposeful in God's intent. Jesus' was guided into the wilderness by the Spirit. Do not fail to notice that even though the temptations arose from Satan, God used Satan's temptations for His purpose because of Jesus' heart decisions and response. God was able to use Satan's temptations to achieve His purposes because Jesus was not deceived by Satan. Instead of rebelling against God, Jesus relied on God.

Note Jesus was temptable. Do not confuse temptation with sin. Do not confuse appeal with rebellion. To be tempted is to be physically human. Because a human feels a sense of appeal when presented with opportunity to rebel against God does not mean he/she has sinned--unless the rebellion occurs. Two thoughts to keep in mind are presented by James 1:12-18 and the numerous references to God's working through trials [hardships] such as Deuteronomy 8:2 and 1 Peter 4:12. James emphasizes that God never seeks our failure. Because God can use our temptations for His purposes does not mean that God is the origin of the temptation. The source of human temptation is the godless desires of human existence. References such as Deuteronomy 8:2 and 1 Peter 4:12 stress the fact that temptation provides humans a critical opportunity for self-revelation. Faith in God is not a mere mental affirmation, but a whole-person commitment. We must reveal ourselves to God just as God must reveal Himself to us. God knows us as soon as we reveal our choices, but our heart decisions in times of stress [not just our flattering words in unstressful times!] reveal us. To say we trust God is important. To show we trust God is even more important. Hardships created by moments of stressful temptation are opportunities to show/reveal trust in God.

Jesus was truly human. His temptations revealed his heart just as our temptations reveal our heart. Satan's suggestions had appeal to him. However, loyalty to God was more important to him. If you would like to do additional thinking about Jesus' humanity, read John 4:4-8, 31-33; Philippians 2:5-8; and Hebrews 5:7-9. In John 4:4-8, 31-33 note the acknowledgment of Jesus' weariness and hunger. Also note the occasion with the Samaritan woman happened because Jesus was thirsty. In Philippians 2:5-8 note the fact that Jesus entered his earthly experience by emptying himself. In Hebrews 5:7-9 note the fact that Jesus learned obedience. The reason Jesus can genuinely relate to us in our lives and struggles is because he endured the struggles of physical existence. The risen one who represents us before God truly shared our experience! (Hebrews 4:14-16) His life experiences are relevant in guiding us in "the way" (John 14:6) to God because Jesus revealed in his life, his actions, and his interactions with people how God would conduct Himself were He human. A Christian can relate to God's ways even though the Christian is human because Jesus revealed to the Christian God's ways in his values, his priorities, his emotions, his conduct, and his service to other humans. Literally, we know God's ways because Jesus the human revealed God's ways to us.

Suggested thought: (1) Jesus' wilderness temptations occurred to challenge Jesus to decide from the beginning of his ministry who he was. It is extremely important for the person who commits to God's purposes to know he/she belongs to God. God can claim the person, but the person must also devote himself/herself to God in all human circumstances--stressful times as well as times of ease. (2) Jesus' wilderness temptations occurred to challenge Jesus to decide and know what his priorities were. Human life must be lived with an understanding of what is important. Life must not become a series of reactions to circumstances. Life must be a series of decisions. Christian decisions must be based on a realization of what is important.

Please note the kinds of temptation Jesus endured in the wilderness. (1) The first dealt with physical need, literally an endurance or survival need. Jesus responded with the understanding that something more important than physical, survival needs existed. His first priority was not addressing physical need or physical survival.

(2) The second dealt with the meaning of trusting God. The foundation question regarding trusting God is this: does God serve you, or do you serve God? Or, must God demonstrate Himself to me if I am to serve Him? For those who serve God, the answer to each of those questions is this: "God has nothing to prove to me. I serve Him. He does not serve me." In ancient times Job responded to severe adversity by getting up from his grief, tearing his robe [an expression of anguish], shaving his head [a declaration of humility], falling to the ground [an additional expression of humility], and worshipping God (Job 1:20). Even in times of grief and anguish, Job reverenced God. In the midst of false accusations and misery, he said, "Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. Nevertheless I will argue my ways before Him." Though Job thought God allowed things to happen to him unfairly, never did he turn against God. In Job's understanding, God was always God, and Job was never God.

(3) The third was the deceitful offer to provide Jesus an opportunity to achieve his God-given mission in a quick, painless manner which made self-sacrifice unnecessary. Jesus came to make the rule of God (kingdom of heaven, kingdom of God) a reality thus fulfilling God's promise in Genesis 12:3. Satan said, "I will let you rule the world immediately! No waiting! No ministry! No sacrifice! No pain! You can achieve God's purpose immediately through my short-cut!" Jesus declared there was much more involved than achieving the "visible" result of his mission. Only God is God! Only God rightfully is worshipped!

Jesus refuted each of Satan's suggestions by quoting scripture. Jesus did not respond to Satan just by selecting a scripture he happened to know and reciting it! The setting and context of each quotation is extremely important! It was not just the fact that Jesus quoted a scripture-- remember in Matthew 4:6 Satan quoted scripture! Jesus correctly understood the meaning of what he quoted. It was understanding the correct meaning of the quotation that refuted Satan's suggestion. Because Jesus understood the meaning of scripture, he was not deceived.

Thought and Discussion Questions

  1. At what point did Matthew, Mark, and Luke say Jesus' wilderness temptations occur?


  2. Distinguish between temptation and sin.


  3. Cite some of the evidences of Jesus' humanity.


  4. State the two suggested thoughts concerning Jesus' wilderness temptations.


  5. What point is made about the power involved in Jesus quoting scripture?

Link to Teacher's Guide Lesson 9

Copyright © 2005
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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