Psalm 25

At moments we wonder, “Why should God help me?”  In those moments the righteous person realizes, “God helps because of who He is, not because we humans deserve His help.”

“God helps people because of who He is”—what a realization!  His kindness exceeds our worthiness! His assistance exceeds human deservedness!  This is the realization of the person who depends on God.  Our righteousness matures into the profound sense of human neediness.

Our desire to be led by God rises from our remembrance of God’s compassion, love, and mercy—not our worthiness.  God is “out of our league.”  He responds to respect, humility, and dependence.  Human goodness depends on the guidance found in God’s goodness.  He guides humans through His covenant agreements.

People follow Him willingly because of their profound respect.  The key to Israel’s present prosperity and future inheritance is a profound and respectful friendship with the Lord, their teacher.  They willingly focus on Him because He reveals the dangers that threaten them.

The key to survival is turning to the merciful God.  “My” problems are bigger than “me,” but they are not bigger than Him.  “My” forgiveness depends on Him, not “me”—“I” know what a mess “I” made of life.  “My” enemies seek nothing but “my” destruction.

Protection and rescue come from God, not from me!  He shows me what integrity and honesty are.  It is that understanding that provides “me” hope.  “God, ransom the nation from its problems.”  (Help us stop resisting Your influence.)

Israel’s problem: resisting God’s example and influence.  What is your problem?

October 8, 2012  *  Fort Smith, AR

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