Awareness of Blessings Often Comes From Unexpected Sources

Life is not a constant upper.  Sometimes days are just bummers.  Yet, out of bummers we can have awareness of real blessings.  This awareness does not make aggravating experiences wonderful, but it may change one’s perspective.  Seeing blessings often stops complaining.  Ending “Woe is me!” remarks allows you to bless others. Feeling compassion for those filled with sorrow for self is hard!

I do not like to be sick—it is such an unproductive, useless time.  I feel too badly to read.  I hurt too badly to concentrate.  I surely do not need someone to feel sorry for me—I have “sorry for me” covered.  I throw good “pity parties!”  It is so hard to get in touch with a doctor—do they not know they should be waiting for me to be sick to make me instantly feel better?  And the pharmacy is so slow!

What if there were no doctors?  No pharmacists?  What if you had to bribe a nurse to give you your medicine because your medicine was worth more than her wages?  What if hospitals were few and far between and there were no doctors’ offices?  What if the most common cure for sickness was death?

Potholes are not bad compared to no roads!  Slow water flow is better than no water!  No sewers produce horrible conditions!  Yes, it can be worse!

Have you noticed that our mission trips often make us realize what others never have?  Next time you flip a light switch at home, pause to think about what you have.  Do not be a martyr, but see your blessings.

David Chadwell
Nov. 21, 2011  *  Fort Smith, AR

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