The Early Outreach of Jesus Christ
teacher's guide Quarter 1, Lesson 12

Lesson Twelve

Understanding What God Does

Teachers: this biblical focus on unity could reveal thoughts the students have not considered. In most studies concerning unity, our focus has been on application. The question asked: "How do we seek [recognize, produce, promote, sustain] unity?" A common assumption: we know and understand what unity is. In that confidence, often the basic concept of unity is neither examined nor explored. Therefore many unity studies focus on application of an assumed concept. [The assumed concept is commonly consistent with the religious objectives.]

Be sure this lesson is placed in the context of this entire series. Biblically, we documented the religious diversity that confronted the early church. We documented the serious issue [based on differences in religious practices and customs] separating Christians who were Jews from Christians who were not. We documented that Judaizing Christians insisted that Christians who were not Jews conform to Jewish practices and customs. In this lesson, students are asked to consider the concept of unity from God's perspective.

In a sincere attempt to be simply Christians, often our basic concept of unity betrays us. Commonly, American Christians consider unity to be a human achievement. Because our concept considers unity to be a human achievement, we misunderstand unity's relationship to Christ. Too often, we do not understand how God used Christ to create unity.

Be certain to emphasize this lesson's purpose. Seek to examine the concept of unity from God's perspective. It is not this lesson's objective to challenge any Christian's sincerity or devotion to scripture. The key to openness when the concept of unity is examined: the realization that unity is God's gift, not a human achievement.

By now, hopefully you realize Christians who were Jews and Christians who were not Jews both were genuinely Christians. Both believed in Jesus Christ. Both believed God used Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection to produce salvation. Both realized Jesus Christ the Savior was essential to God's forgiveness. Both received and used spiritual gifts. Both were temples of the Holy Spirit. Both believed in the living God. Both were baptized into Christ. Both maintained living relationship with God through faith and repentance.

Emphasize this fact: Christians who came from Jewish heritage, lineage, and religious background and Christians who did not both were genuinely Christian. God placed both in Christ Jesus.

Yet, they were also different. Consider the devout Jew and the idol worshipper who became Christians. The Jew was circumcised; the former idol worshipper was not. The Jew continued to circumcise his children (Acts 21:20,21); the former idol worshipper did not circumcise his children. The Jew continued to observe Jewish holy days (Romans 14:5); the former idol worshipper did not observe those days. The Jew continued dietary restrictions as a matter of religious practice (Leviticus 11; Romans 14:6); the former idol worshipper had no dietary restrictions.

While both groups were unquestionably Christian, each group religiously differed from the other.

Romans 14:1-12 emphasized motivation behind each group's actions was the same: gratefully honoring God. Because motives were identical (honoring and expressing gratitude to God), God accepted the actions of each. Paul's directive: do not hold the other group in contempt; do not pass judgment on the other group. Why? The Lord can and will make both groups stand because each is the Lord's servants. Honor conscience in motivations and actions. Each person will explain his/her actions to God [not to the other group of Christians].

While each group differed in religious practices and customs, each group's motivations for their religious practices and customs were identical: honoring God and being thankful to God. As Christians in each group honored God and expressed gratitude to God, each person was responsible to be true to his/her conscience.

Because we regard unity to be a human achievement, Paul's Roman 14 directive to Christians [who were and were not Jews] can distress us. Why? Our emphasis: unity is demonstrated through human conformity. With God, unity exists even when Christians do not conform to identical practices and customs. Our perspective: that is impossible. God's perspective: that is reality.

There is a fundamental difference in God's concept of unity and our common human concept of unity. God's concept: unity exists because the people are in Christ. When people are in Christ, differences in practice and custom are insignificant to God. A common human concept: unity exists when people conform to imposed standards. If conformity does not exist, to many Christians that is evidence that the "nonconforming" Christian is not in Christ. Differences in practices and customs are frequently quite significant to us.

Unity is God's gift to all Christians in this world. God produces unity by placing people in Christ Jesus. In Christ, in all our diversity, God accepts Christians as one (Galatians 3:26-29). From human reasoning, consider unity's reality. Christians know baptism into Christ did not eliminate first century distinctions between the Jew and the Greek, the slave and the free, or the male and female. The baptized slave still did not have the rights and opportunities of a free person. The baptized Greek did not have the Jew's view of history or knowledge. The baptized woman did not have a man's opportunities.

The biblical point: oneness is the result of being in Christ. Therefore oneness exists by God's design even when Christians are not alike.

To the Colossian Christians, Paul stressed that anyone who was a new creature in Christ entered the "oneness" (Colossians 3:11). "Oneness in Christ" [spiritual renewal] destroyed spiritual distinctions: between Jew and Greek; circumcised and uncircumcised; barbarian (Scythian), slave, and the free. [The barbarian was the inarticulate person. The Scythian was the lowest form of barbarian.] Did baptism into Christ made the Christian Scythian articulate like the Roman Christian? Did baptism give the Scythian Christian a Jewish Christians' theological comprehension? In what sense were all these people one? Did they "conform" to identical spiritual customs and practices after baptism? They all were one for a single reason: Christ is all and in all.

Oneness destroyed the significance of differences among Christians. By placing each person in Christ, God made differences insignificant. Oneness did not destroy the physical/earthly reality of differences. Because God made Christians who were not Jews one with Jewish Christians, differences did not mysteriously evaporate.

This fact is seen in Ephesians 2:11-22. Read that text and consider the following questions.

  1. Those who were not Jews were called what by the Jews (verse 11)?

    Jews called those who were not Jews the "uncircumcision."

  2. These Christians who were not Jews were to remember what about their past (verse 12)? When did these conditions exist?

    They were to remember that in the past they were excluded from the nation of Israel. They were excluded from the covenant promises God established with Israel. They had no hope. They were without God. These conditions existed before they entered Christ, before they heard the "good news" about Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.

  3. Even though they had not been circumcised and did not follow Jewish practices and customs, why did those "who were without God" find themselves in relationship with God (verse 13)?

    Jesus Christ provided them opportunity to be in relationship with God. Jesus' blood made this opportunity available and accessible.

  4. Was Christ responsible for this change or were they responsible for this change (verse 14)? Explain your answer.

    Jesus Christ was responsible for the change. Christians who were not Jews accepted the opportunity, but Jesus Christ created the opportunity.

  5. How did Jesus make peace (verse 15)?

    Jesus destroyed the enmity with his body [by giving his body in death]. He established peace by making both groups one new man. That happened when Jesus destroyed the barrier of the wall that divided them.

  6. What was one of God's intended uses of the cross (verse 16)?

    One of God's intended uses of the cross was reconciling everyone in one body. In Christ's death God reconciled Christians to Himself. In Christ's death He also reconciled Christians to each other.

Carefully consider the following. The problem separating Jewish Christians from Christians who were not Jewish [especially former idol worshippers] was enormous in the first century church. In the minds of both the wall of separation still stood. Both groups were what they were. Many in both groups likely resented Christians in the other group. Jewish Christians disliked the fact the other group "was basically different." Christians converted from idolatry disliked the fact that they were regarded as spiritually inferior.

The problem was real. The problem was devastating God's purposes in Christ. God made them one in Christ. They urgently needed to understand God's accomplishments in Christ. Only then would they stop judging each other and holding each other in contempt. When they understood God's concept of unity, they would learn to love each other as God loved all of them. They all had the joy and privilege of being in Christ.

Though neither group realized they were "one in Christ," they were. Being one was not dependent on human understanding. Being one was not dependent on conformity. Paul's point: they were (present condition) "one in Christ." God used Christ to destroy the dividing wall. Christ "is our peace." They were reconciled in one body by an act of God in Jesus Christ. They must trust what God did--already! The fact that God united them in one body by reconciling all of them to Himself was just that--fact. Even though they did not understand God's act, God did it. Being one did not depend on human comprehension. It depended on what God did in Christ.

Note Paul wanted them to understand this reality already existed. Oneness in Christ was a fact. Their lack of understanding and comprehension did not destroy that fact. The problem existed because of their need to understand the oneness. The problem was NOT that oneness did not exist. They needed to understand and trust what God did for everyone in Jesus Christ.

Did they act like they were at peace? No. Did they act like the dividing wall was removed? No. Did they act like God reconciled all of them into one body? No. Did they act like God killed the enmity? No. Did they, collectively, act like fellow citizens in God's household? No. Did they act like God was using them, collectively, to build His holy temple? No.

Each groups' actions toward the other were not based on a comprehension of God's accomplishments in Jesus Christ. They all behaved as if the oneness did not exist.

Should their treatment of each other reflect what God did for them in Jesus Christ? Yes! Paul's directive accurately could be summarized in this statement: let your behavior reflect faith in what God did. Trust what God did for all of you in Christ Jesus.

Their lack of understanding created serious problems, problems God did not want in His church. They must comprehend what God did for all who were in Christ. They must understand the oneness. Their Christian behavior toward Christians who differed in practices and customs must reflect the comprehension and understanding of God's accomplishments in Jesus Christ.

If they all trusted what God did, what would change? Jewish Christians would not judge Christians converted from idolatry, and Christians who were not Jews would not hold Jewish Christians in contempt.

The fellowship and love between Christians who were Jews and Christians who were not would flow freely, naturally. The Judaizers would realize that their efforts were hurtful and unnecessary. Christians who were not Jews would no longer resent Christians who were.

Link to Student Guide Quarter 1, Lesson 12

Copyright © 2001
David Chadwell & West-Ark Church of Christ

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