Christian Growth Series

Lesson 15


Before Christianity came, the home was often a place without love. Many pagan husbands considered their wives as slaves and as property. Many pagan wives did not respect their husbands. Often they planned against their husbands and were unfaithful to them.

The coming of Christianity brought great improvements to the homes of believers. Christ through the apostles gave many teachings about the responsibilities of Christian husbands and Christian wives in Christian homes.

A Christian has responsibilities in all relationships of life. A husband who is a Christian has the responsibility of being a Christian husband. He cannot be a Christian man while refusing to be a Christian husband. There are certain responsibilities and principles Christ demands of Christian husbands.

First, the husband is head of the wife (Ephesians 5:23). "Head" does not mean "dictator" or "abuser." It does not mean that the wife has no rights in the home, no voice in the home. It means the husband has the responsibility to lead the home and protect the home.

Second, the husband must love his wife as Christ loved the church, (Ephesians 5:25). Christ loved the church enough to die for it. Christ guides the church, encourages the church, strengthens the church, spiritually feeds the church through his word, and sustains the church. Physically the husband must do the same things for his wife. No husband who neglects his wife can in truth claim to be a true Christian.

Third, husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies (Ephesians 5:29,30). Every man loves his body. He rests it when it is tired, washes it when it is dirty, feeds it when it is hungry, cools it when it is hot, warms it when it is cold, and gives it medicine when it is sick. The way a man clothes his body, shaves his face, cuts his hair, and enjoys pleasures shows how much he loves his body. If every husband would love his wife and care for his wife as he loves and cares for his own body, there would be few problems in the home. No man looks at his own body as a piece of property, but as part of himself. Every man should look at his wife the same way. If a Christian husband fails to provide for his wife, he has seriously sinned. Paul declared that a man who refused to provide for those of his own house had denied the faith and was worse than an unbeliever (I Timothy 5:8).

Peter said that husbands were to live with their wives according to knowledge (I Peter 3:7). A husband should not treat his wife as a stranger. He should know her well and understand her needs. Peter also said for the husband to honor, respect, and love his wife. He and his wife are "heirs together of the grace of life." They shall also enjoy great happiness together.


  1. What were pagan homes like before Christianity came?

  2. What is the meaning of the husband being the head of the wife?

  3. If the husband loves his wife as Christ loved the Church, what will he do for his wife?

  4. Tell how all men show their love for their bodies.

  5. If a husband loves his wife as much as he loves his own body, how will care for her?

  6. What scripture shows it is a serious sin for a man to neglect any member of his family?

  7. Peter said husbands should live with their wives according to knowledge. What does this mean?

  8. What blessing does a husband receive if he cares for his wife as a Christian husband should?


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