The King's Confident Overview

Psalm 62

It is amazing to see how “I cannot believe I did that” is able to change the direction of our lives—profoundly!  Nothing touches us as profoundly as seeing ourselves for what we are.  We either ignore what we see and plunge ahead to inescapable destruction OR we soberly redirect our lives.  We do not tarry between those choices for long.

The kingly person in this psalm was quite different from the kingly person in Psalm 61.  He moved from, “I cannot believe I did that,” to, “God, You are in charge!”  Nothing changed but him.  His enemies were still there pretending to be friends as they quietly tried to destroy him.   Only one thing really changed—he quietly placed God in TOTAL charge of him.  God and His priorities were unquestionable and were in charge.

Two massive changes resulted: (1) nothing was so urgent that it had to be done “yesterday.”  The urgent no longer hid the necessary.  (2) God’s values were in charge of everything!  Though his enemies had no respect for him, saw him as a laughable form of weakness, and plotted his downfall, he was not rattled.

He waited for God to determine and direct his next move.  He was not panicked!  He trusted in God, and he urged those who would listen to follow his example. 

“Do not let people panic you!  Do not place your confidence in extortion, stealing, or wealth!  Listen to God!   Power and unfailing love belong to God.  He without fail will repay the wicked!”

Do not allow “now” appearances to determine your loyalty!  Only clinging to God endures!

February 20, 2013  *  Fort Smith, AR

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